Archive for February 10th, 2010

Два звонка всего, но, блин, я же только-только собрался по 50, под руку прямо, у меня аж припадок сердцебиения случился

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010 at 21:06 | Comments Off on _
Categories: Uncategorized

Звонят в дверь зачем-то. А я вроде бы никого не жду. Где моя шапочка из алюминиевой фольги?

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010 at 21:00 | Comments Off on _
Categories: Uncategorized

An attacker would have to be an authenticated user in one of the guest virtual machines hosted by the Hyper-V server and would need to have the ability to execute arbitrary code on the system. An attacker could then run an untrusted executable on the system that invokes a malformed sequence of machine instructions and […]

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010 at 03:15 | Comments Off on облако без штанов
Categories: Uncategorized